Search Results for: workouts

Shut Your Mouth When You Sleep!

Written by Kirsten Ahrendt I never used to address the topic of breathing with clients. No one addressed it with me as an athlete – so it wasn’t on my radar! I just thought lift more weights + do more sprints + add 1 more rep next time +…

4 Conditioning Mistakes That Keep You From Feeling Your Best

Written by Tricia Moore Your conditioning work should be every bit as thoughtful as your warm-ups, strength work, and recovery. Here are four common mistakes to avoid to make sure you put that sweat to good use and make your effort count.  Mistake #1 –…

4 Myths About Nasal Breathing

Written by Kirsten Ahrendt We talk about it all the time in the gym. We program it in portions of our in-house, online, and personalized programs. We have published a few blogs and videos on the topic. We receive a ton of questions about it from our members and online…

September 7, 2020 – Fitness and No Equipment Worktouts

FITNESS Warm-Up. Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side Butterfly Pulse x 30 seconds Followed by… Two sets of: Assault Bike x 30 seconds Over/Under Barbell x 5 reps in each direction Followed by… Two sets of: Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side) Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10…

A Lifter, Her Barbell & Her Coach

  A Lifter, Her Barbell & Her Coach Written by Invictus Member Cynthia Yantz with Commentary from Coach Ricky Moore As a kid I never played many sports nor was I particularly “good” at any sport. Everything I started was either short-lived or I quit because I just wasn’t competitive. After stopping all recreational and…

Why You SHOULDN’T Take a Pre-Workout Supplement

Written by Holden Rethwill Back in my football days, pre-workout was the sh*t. I mean we used to live off that stuff. I’ve tried just about every popular pre-workout supplement out there, from Muscle Pharm Assault, to Cellucor C4, to even the original Jack3d before it got banned…

The Problem with Sit-Ups – A Gymnast’s Perspective

Written by Travis Ewart I had someone in my gymnastics group asking about sit-ups, lower back health, and ab strength. I can’t say that I have the best answer, as unfortunately I think this is a fairly complicated issue and I would probably advise anybody who is…

The Wacky Noodle Water Workout

Written by Michele Vieux It’s H.O.T. outside and you’re looking for a workout but nothing too crazy so you don’t die of heat exhaustion. It’s actually time for an active recovery day and you’re hoping to hit the pool (or lake, beach, river) to relax a bit. Why not get…

Which Type of Strength is Most Important in CrossFit?

Written by Holden Rethwill One question that has popped up a couple times since we published the article: Understanding the 4 Types of Strength, was how those types of strength relate to CrossFit, which one is most important, and which one we should focus on especially…

August 1, 2020 – Performance and Limited Equipment

PERFORMANCE Warm-Up. Two sets of: Perform 30 seconds each of the following movements… *Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold Alternating Reverse Lunges *Station 2 – Banded Lateral Monster Walk *Station 3 – Banded Squats *Station 4 – Side Plank Hold *Station 5 – Russian Step-Ups Move through this with as little rest between movements as…

Why We Cluster

Written by Michele Vieux What is a “cluster” and why do we program them? Per Webster’s, a cluster is a group of similar things positioned together. In today’s workout, for example, we are doing clusters of cleans which looks like Clean x when written out on the whiteboard. This type of…

Mindset of Making Experiences Life-Changing

Interview by Tricia Moore During quarantine there were a few folks who really stood out in terms of consistency in group coaching sessions on Zoooooooom. Daniel trained just about every day. And, he trained with enthusiasm. He worked with whatever equipment he had, and he displayed a high-energy, “can do…

Understanding the 4 Types of Strength 

Written by Holden Rethwill In order to help you better understand the purpose behind your training methods and to help you figure out where you might need a little more focus in your program, we will be going over the four primary components of the strength field as well…

What Does @ 30X0 Mean? – Why I Like Tempo Training

Written by C.J. Martin (Originally published on February 7, 2012) Slow down . . . it might be your key to avoiding injury and getting stronger. Tempo training is not just for bodybuilders.  Olympic caliber athletes from all over the world use tempo training…
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