Search Results for: the case against

Begin with the End in Mind

Written by Invictus Athlete Josh Littauer The CrossFit community is always an interesting mix of people with individual goals, perspectives, and ways of approaching health and fitness. It can be easy to categorize each other and ourselves into boxes that identify each of us within the community. There is…

The Kettlebell Swing Isn’t a Low Back Exercise

Written by Sarah Loogman The kettlebell swing is one of the fundamental movements known to CrossFit. The kettlebell, along with the dumbbell, jump ropes, and bumper plates, are the grassroots cornerstone of CrossFit garage gyms before the Mecca of the CrossFit Games ever began or rose to…

The Hips Don’t Lie

Written by Melissa Hurley It’s a simple supply-demand relationship. The core muscles have been the focus of stability training – and with good reason – due to how “the core” provides a working surface for our extremities to push off of. Our core is crucial for any kind of movement. We…

The Complete List of Recommended Supplements

From Our Post-Workout Supplementation Guide Written by Calvin Sun If you’ve read our guide on post-workout supplementation, you know that I cover a variety of protocols to help optimize repletion, repair, and recovery for a variety of goals. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of all the…

How To Stop A Cold Dead In Its Tracks

Written by Calvin Sun You know the usual symptoms: that tickle in the back of your throat, that first sniffle of the nose, or maybe your joints start to feel a little achy and you suddenly feel tired for no reason. You feel a cold coming…

Unrelentingly Positive: Todd’s Fight Against Cancer

Written by Invictus Member Rachel Ragosa Todd Bechtel is one of the most positive and uplifting people I have had the honor of speaking with at Invictus. As a seasoned firefighter with over 20 years experience, he is no stranger to challenging situations. However, when he was diagnosed with…

Patellar Pain – Are We Properly Addressing the Issue?

Written by Michele Vieux Do you suffer from persistent knee pain? Done physical therapy with limited results? Changed your training routine or life because of your pain? Well you are not alone. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most common conditions limiting athletes. PFPS…

Muscle-Up Fault: Losing Wrist Control

Written by Hunter Britt Establishing control over the bar or the rings is important during the muscle-up. You can establish that control on the initial grip on the swinging/pulling phase of the muscle-up or the catch, as both matter when it comes to mastering an efficient muscle-up.   A lot…

The Trifecta of Stink

Written by Zach Erick The beauty of human movement can sometimes be the best part of being a CrossFit Coach. As I look around the gym, kettlebells are swinging, runners are running, thrusters are…thrusting? While I walk through the rows of athletes repping out any given movement as fast as possible,…
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