Search Results for: the great kettlebell swing debate

12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinge Day

Video by Nick Hawkes Coach Nick goes through a full body warm up specifically for a training session with hinging movements (deadlifts, kettlebell swings, etc.) that take into consideration not just the muscles involved, but also the joints and the way you breathe into the stretch. If you put…

The Kettlebell Snatch in 4 Simple Steps

Video by Melissa Hurley If you can only own one piece of equipment, the votes are piling up for the kettlebell which is probably the biggest bang you can get for your buck as it gives you the opportunity to perform weightlifting, conditioning and also supplemental work. In…

The Problem With Like-Minded People

Written By Calvin Sun (Originally Published October 16, 2016) Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can be a powerful and positive thing to behold. For many, there’s a sense of camaraderie and an indescribable bond that can form when you have found yourself amongst your “tribe”. We can often observe it…

The Kettlebell Swing Isn’t a Low Back Exercise

Written by Sarah Loogman The kettlebell swing is one of the fundamental movements known to CrossFit. The kettlebell, along with the dumbbell, jump ropes, and bumper plates, are the grassroots cornerstone of CrossFit garage gyms before the Mecca of the CrossFit Games ever began or rose to…

The Great Kettlebell Swing Debate

(Originally posted on August 14, 2012) Written by C.J. Martin Quite a few folks following our Competition programming have been wondering whether kettlebell swings should be performed as American Swings, Russian Swings or a hybrid. I have procrastinated an answer for long enough, so here it comes . . .…

The Great Kettlebell Swing Debate

Written by C.J. Martin Quite a few folks following our Competition programming have been wondering whether kettlebell swings should be performed as American Swings, Russian Swings or a hybrid. I have procrastinated an answer for long enough, so here it comes . . . IT DEPENDS. (I know, the least…

Squat Tips for Better Joint Activation

Written by Zak Roser If you’ve ever heard the term “butt wink” you have probably heard about the importance of core bracing. A butt wink is when your tailbone tilts under at the bottom of a squat. Sometimes this is due to poor mobility and sometimes it is due…

12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinge Day

Video by Nick Hawkes Coach Nick goes through a full body warm up specifically for a training session with hinging movements (deadlifts, kettlebell swings, etc.) that take into consideration not just the muscles involved, but also the joints and the way you breathe into the stretch. If you put…

The Hips Don’t Lie

Written by Melissa Hurley It’s a simple supply-demand relationship. The core muscles have been the focus of stability training – and with good reason – due to how “the core” provides a working surface for our extremities to push off of. Our core is crucial for any kind of movement. We…

You Are Not a Pez Dispenser

Written by Cat Blatner It’s important that we understand how to keep our spine in a neutral position while lifting weights. The spine is one of the most precious parts of our body and therefore we must protect it with all that we do. During heavy lifting or high…

The Problem With Like-Minded People

Written By Calvin Sun Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can be a powerful and positive thing to behold. For many, there’s a sense of camaraderie and an indescribable bond that can form when you have found yourself amongst your “tribe”. We can often observe it in communities and organizations where…

The Great Kettlebell Swing Debate

(Originally posted on August 14, 2012) Written by C.J. Martin Quite a few folks following our Competition programming have been wondering whether kettlebell swings should be performed as American Swings, Russian Swings or a hybrid. I have procrastinated an answer for long enough, so here it comes . . .…

August 30, 2020 – Masters Program

RECOVERY DAY A. Review Invictus Content from the Week * The Lost Art of Isolation * Pro Tip: Transitioning from the Clean to the Jerk * The Great Kettlebell Swing Debate * How To Connect Bar Muscle-Ups * Snatch Liftoff Drill Do you have a question you’d like one of our coaches to answer? Send…
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