
Thoracic Iso Holds

Followed by…

Every Minute on the Minute 6 minutes (3 sets):
Even – 3-5 Perfect Parallette Shoot-Throughs
Odd – Banded Romanian Deadlifts x 20-30

Followed by…

Every Minute on the Minute 6 minutes (3 sets):
Even – 20 seconds Support on Rings (top of dip) + 10 seconds Hold in Catch Position (bottom of dip)
Odd – 3 single-leg jumps (box or broad) per leg
(Complete all three on one leg before switching focus on a perfect landing more than height/distance – flat foot + soft knee)


Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – 400 Meter Run
Station 2 – 10 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
(Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right = 1 rep)
Station 3 – 500/400 Meter Row
Station 4 – 15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Station 5 – 60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts, perform…
Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Sampson Pulses per Leg
Immediately followed by…
Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Pigeon Pulses per Leg
Immediately followed by…
Two sets of:
30 Seconds of Air Squats
30 Seconds of Bent Over Bat Wing Hold
30 Seconds of Single Leg Deadlifts per Leg
60 Seconds of Prone Plank Hold When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following:
Four rounds for time of:
400 meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers
followed by…
Two rounds of:
3 Back Pack Devils Press
6 Strict Pull Ups OR Backpack Bent Over Rows
9 Backpack Thrusters
TIME CAP = 22 Minutes
*One round consists of the bike or row PLUS two rounds of the 3/6/9. Therefore, you will complete 4 bike/row/run, and 8 rounds of the 3/6/9.
When the running clock reaches 45:00, perform the following:
Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Alternating Biceps Curls
10 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions
20 Weighted Lateral Flys
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
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