Search Results for: travis ewart

Reverse Snow Angels – Purveyors of Posture

Video by Travis Ewart Sitting at a desk too much? How is your posture as you read this? The dreaded “shoulder roll” is easy to spot, not only because of the evident poor posture but also because with the introduction of technology to the world, we have become…

The Mounting Ring Muscle-Up

Video by Travis Ewart The struggle can be very real when it comes to Kipping Ring Muscle-Ups. Learning to bring your body from below the rings to the top of the rings is not small feat, yet it can be even more difficult without direction. Finding the easiest way to elevate…

Getting Butterflies Thinking About Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Written by Travis Ewart (Originally published on 1/26/2017) I love checking the Invictus blog every night to see what the workout is for the next day. I don’t know what it is, but when I see that the workout has pull-ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups, I get very excited.…

Bar Muscle-Up: Drill For The Swing

Video by Travis Ewart Breaking down complicated movements is an absolutely necessary step to improving the finer details of a skill. The bar muscle-up can be a difficult movement for even the most seasoned of athletes, leading to “chicken winging” or the feeling of tipping over the bar with…

Gymnastics Strength, Timing & Range of Motion

Gymnastics Strength, Timing & Range of Motion Written by Travis Ewart When learning the movement pattern for any kipping gymnastics movement, it’s best to take the approach of the greater range of motion, which just happens to be the way the skills are taught in the Invictus Gymnastics online program. The skills in the program…

Bar Muscle-Up: Tips For The Drop Down Swing

  Video by Travis Ewart 17.2 brings us bar muscle-ups for the second time in the CrossFit Open! Please watch Invictus Coach Travis Ewart’s video on tips for better bar muscle-ups before you attack 17.2. Some of us were taught that a bar muscle-up is like a chest-to-bar pull-up; although…

Do Not Skip Your Shoulder Warm-Up! Do THIS Instead

Written by Michele Vieux It’s really easy to skip a warm-up on a because it’s “just shoulder press” and “we are starting light”. However I highly recommend that you DO warm-up by spending your time doing simple mobility and activation drills for the thoracic, shoulders and…

3 Variations of Toes-to-Bar

3 Variations of Toes-to-Bar Video by Travis Ewart This video reviews a few different variations for executing toes-to-bar. Every athlete needs to practice different variations of toes-to-bar so that they know which style they prefer based on the workout. The 3 variations in the video are: 1) Straight Leg Swing Make sure your hamstrings are prepped…

Bar Muscle-Up: Drill For The Swing

Video by: Travis Ewart Breaking down complicated movements is an absolutely necessary step to improving the finer details of a skill. The bar muscle-up can be a difficult movement for even the most seasoned of athletes, leading to “chicken winging” or the feeling of tipping over the bar with…

A How-To for the False Grip

Video by Travis Ewart Since the 2016 Regionals and the announcement of Regional Nate, strict muscle-ups have become a movement on many athletes radar. This can be a challenging movement to train as it requires a base level of strength as well as proper positioning on the rings to…

Rope Pull-Up Taps

Video by Travis Ewart The legless rope climb is a skill seen in many competitions. It is also a skill that an athlete can have mastered in training but, depending on the work required before the legless rope climb or how fast they went out of the gate, can easily be lost…

Donkey Kick Drill for Handstand Improvement

Video by Travis Ewart Feeling like you need to be more consistent with your handstands? Wanting to improve with your handstands? Then start incorporating this drill into your warm-ups. It not only is a great drill to warm up the shoulders but it also helps athletes become more confident…

Upper Anterior Chain Opener: The Banded Scarecrows

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete gymnastics coach Travis Ewart describes and demonstrates the Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener, more easily referred to as “Banded Scarecrows”. With pushing and pressing comes a tightened Upper Anterior Chain, and to help alleviate some of this tension we bring you the…
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