CrossFit Invictus Member April Medina

April Medina: Bookworm, Mom, Cancer Survivor
Written by Lindsey Johnson

I had the pleasure of interviewing Sea of Green Member April Medina, who usually attends the Invictus Point Loma’s 9:30 a.m. class. April is a consistent five-time a week member and a stay-at-home mom who’s in school part time. She brings a smile, dance moves and her sassy four year old daughter, Isa, to class with her every day. She’s become a staple at the early morning time slot so I thought, ‘Let’s get to know April a little bit better!’ During the course of our meeting I discovered a lot of interesting things about April but mostly I learned that she’s one strong lady!

Here’s some fun facts you would have never known about April:

Lindsey: How did you get started here at Invictus?

April: I live right around the corner. Prior to moving here I had asked around, and people told me Invictus. In the CrossFit world, Invictus is a big thing, but I thought I wasn’t good enough to come here. BUT, I’m all about convenience so I tried it anyway.

Lindsey: Did you change your mind about “not being good enough”?

April: Not necessarily but I found that it really is for everyone. Invictus is not just for competitors; it really is for anyone who is looking for a good workout.

Lindsey: Where are you guys from?

April: San Antonio Texas. We have lived in four states and two countries – Texas, Florida, Maryland, San Diego and Japan.

Lindsey: Is it hard to move all around like that?

April: Not really; I like moving around and meeting new people and seeing new places.

Lindsey: What do you do for fun?

April: I’m a bookworm when I have a quiet moment. I have my Kindle on me at all times – it’s attached to my hand.

Lindsey: What other types of hobbies do you enjoy?

April: I love dancing! I don’t get out much so the only dancing I do is in here… that’s why I love Salt and Pepa radio!

Lindsey: What state do you like the best?

April: Texas; I miss that southern hospitality!

Lindsey: What’s your favorite part about Invictus?

April:  I love the programing. I like that we get an option to choose what we want to do for the workout. I love the events – Friday Night Lights, Thursday Seminars (even though I don’t get to attend); I just like that it’s there. I also love the coaches! I just like knowing that I will be getting top notch coaching and that I am not just another face in the bunch. The coaches get to know us. I also love your awesome Dj skills!

Lindsey: What’s one thing that no one knows about you?

April: One thing about me that I don’t talk about is in 2013 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I had surgery to remove my thyroid in January 2014, hence the scar on my neck. I like to joke around and tell people I was in a bar fight and they should see the other guy. It was a very emotional experience for me. It sucks being told you have cancer because you don’t know what the outcome will be. I know some people say thyroid cancer is the “best” cancer to have. I can understand why they say that, but until they’ve had it, I can tell you it’s not. There is no such thing as “good cancer”. I can laugh about it, and when someone says things like that, I just smile and feel bad for their ignorance.

Anyways, the reason I bring it up now is because September was Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, so I urge everyone to check their neck! I had no symptoms, I felt great, I was eating clean, was three months into CrossFit. Had my doctor not checked my neck at a routine yearly exam I would have never known. The good news is that I’m cancer free now! It’s the reason why I’m very adamant about staying fit. Well this and the cookies.

We’re incredibly glad April is cancer free and super lucky to have her grace us with her presence throughout the week. Thanks for sharing your story, April!

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September 20, 2022 12:48 pm

A very inspirational story about a cancer survival woman. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and my university also takes some actions. I’ve already started working on the speech and written a small paper dedicated to it. This source provided me with different paper examples on that theme, and the information there was really helpful for me. My main goal is to show the importance of checking your health and that cancer is not a sentence, and there are happy endings, as April Medina proves.

Last edited 1 year ago by JessMoris
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