Search Results for: handstand travis

Athlete doing a pull-up

Learn Butterfly Chest-to-Bars After Mastering Kipping Chest-To-Bars

Written By Travis Ewart, Invictus Gymnastics Coach Kipping and Butterfly Chest-To-Bar (C2B) Pull-Ups are very closely related, though it may seem like Butterfly is much more complicated. Here’s how to break it down in your mind and movement pattern so you can transition from the standard, but slower,…
Handstand placement for CrossFit Open workout 18.4

CrossFit Open 18.4 – Strategy and Tips

Videos by Hunter Britt and Travis Ewart Everyone’s favorite activities – standing up and going upside down – make their appearance in CrossFit Open 18.4. Here are some tips from the Invictus Athlete team to make sure you have a game plan going into the workout. Deadlift Technique…

Muscle-Up Transition Drills

Videos by Travis Ewart Are you working on getting your first muscle-up? Don’t know what to do when muscle-ups come up in your gymnastics skill session? Trying to perfect your muscle-up technique? If you answered yes to any of these questions then these drills are for you! Just like anything else in…
Invictus athlete doing perfect handstand push-ups because she enrolled in Invictus Gymnastics.

Common Handstand Push-Up Problems

Written by: Travis Ewart Having handstand push-up problems? We see a LOT of these recurring handstand push-up problems scrolling through Instagram or watching athletes compete. Do you relate to any of these issues? Then it’s a sign that you need to work on your handstand push-ups. Which handstand push-up problem are…

Master the Basics of Rope Climbs with These 4 Drills

Videos by Travis Ewart Whether you’ve spent many-a-workout on the ropes or are a beginning rope climber, mastering the basics is essential to keeping you efficient and avoiding unnecessary fatigue during workouts. Try out these four drills to make sure you are making rope climbs…

How to Tape for the False Grip

Video by Travis Ewart Invictus Athlete Gymnastics coach, Travis Ewart, discusses and demonstrates how to tape the wrist for false grip work to protect the wrists from wear and tear so that you can complete your workout pain-free! Also Check Out… Common Handstand Problems How Can I Strengthen…

Choosing a Strap Length to Make the Most of Muscle-Ups

Written by Travis Ewart Strap length really does make a difference in the performance of ring swings, thus the muscle-up. Use this as a general guide to take into consideration at your gym to make the most out of you efforts on rings. Bear in…

Common Handstand Problems

Video by Travis Ewart (Originally Published December 6, 2015) Got handstand problems? Coach Travis and Invictus Athlete Heather Hippensteel cover some of the most prevalent problems CrossFitters exhibit in their handstand performances. Also Check Out… Tips For Deadlift Cycling & Hand Placement While Upside Down In 18.4 Pro Tips For Handstand Kick-Ups…

Tips for Deadlift Cycling & Hand Placement While Upside-Down in 18.4

Deadlift Technique for Fast and Light Cycling Video by Hunter Britt In this video, Invictus Athlete Coach, Hunter Britt, demonstrates and discusses the proper set-up, finish and hip movement for deadlift cycling as well as positions to avoid so that you remain strong and protect your spine. If you are interested in the next 8-Week…

Handstand Work – From the Ground Up!

Video by Travis Ewart Learning a handstand can be a long process, though well worth all the effort! On the surface it seems like all you need to do is get upside-down just right, and “voila!” you now know how to do all things inverted. Unfortunately this is…

Headstand Options to Upside Down

Video by Travis Ewart (Originally Published September 16, 2016) Invictus Athlete gymnastics coach Travis Ewart discusses and demonstrates options to learn a headstand which leads to a handstand and handstand push-ups. Also Check Out… Can Your Period Predict Your Pants-Peeing? The Machine And The Operator Tips For Getting Your First…

Finger Press to Strengthen Your Handstand Holds

Video by Travis Ewart (Originally Published on June 16, 2016) Forearm strength may be one of the most overlooked necessities in holding a handstand. Fear of tipping over in a handstand may be the most frightening thought for many people, and it may be happening more often then…
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