Performance and Fitness | General Warm-Up
Row for 3:00 (Provide Instructions on technique and strategy for the WOD)
Two rounds of:
Bottom Squat Mobility Drill x 10 Reps
Cossack Squat x 10 / side
Perfect Stretch x :45 / side
With a partner, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes:
15/10 Cal Bike
20 Pistols
‘100 FR Double KB Carry
One person completes the entire round while the other partner rests. 1:1 work:rest ratio
5 rnds
2x20kg 100ft
5 rounds + bike, squats, .5 FRL ….100 feet
6+80mts (solo, kb’s 20kg)
6 rounds + 15cal @ 50#x2
35lbs kb
6+80 mts (kb 20kg)